Our yard!
Our driveway!
Our road!
Good morning!
Hello! I wrote this actually on the 27th of Feb. and never posted it, but I didn't want to not post. So, here goes!
How are you faring today? Well, it is still white outside. We had about 7" of snow hit us on Wed. night. We don't live in a place where we get that much snow. So, things come a little at a stand still. Schools and businesses close. We don't have snow plows here to scrape the roads, at least where we live, in the country. Every once in awhile they brine (liquid salt) the roads ahead of time. But they only have enough to do the main roads and when we have as many snow events like we had this year, they run out and don't have the money to get more. Therefore when it snows like it did this last time the roads weren't salted. It has been beautiful for sure but it has certainly gotten old.
How are you faring today? Well, it is still white outside. We had about 7" of snow hit us on Wed. night. We don't live in a place where we get that much snow. So, things come a little at a stand still. Schools and businesses close. We don't have snow plows here to scrape the roads, at least where we live, in the country. Every once in awhile they brine (liquid salt) the roads ahead of time. But they only have enough to do the main roads and when we have as many snow events like we had this year, they run out and don't have the money to get more. Therefore when it snows like it did this last time the roads weren't salted. It has been beautiful for sure but it has certainly gotten old.
We are very grateful that we don't live in a place like Boston where it has been a hard winter this year. And I am thankful to God who has kept us safe and warm and with power and with plenty of food. And the internet or TV has not gone off for a minute. So, God has surely taken care of us. I guess we are spoiled if you call God spoiling us with His love and blessings!
I know that many people have not had as good of time of it as we have. May God be with them and take care of them and get them through it.
So, I am very thankful this morning as I sit here in my warm home. So, in every circumstance we need to be thankful, regardless of the situation. It may be hard. We may not want to do it. But we need to do it anyway.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
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