
Showing posts from August, 2016


  From the dock at Bluewater, Hilton Head Island, SC Hello! Last post I was talking about running away. We shouldn't run away from God but to God! I think that there is a song about running away from God. Here it is so listen to the words. I think that we have all been there at some point in time. Fugitive from God I did sort of run away and go to the beach, alone. You say, how could you do that? Well, we had an extra week paid for and hated to let it go to waste. My husband had to work. And I just did it! I did it actually seeking to find God and draw closer to Him. But I wanted Him to have His way! He certainly did! His glory was so evident! I met people, other Christians. And those who may not have been. The beach and the sunrises and sunsets were amazing. I took lots of pictures much to my husbands dismay. I came home and showed them all to him and he just shook his head and said that he can't understand why I take so many pictures of the same thing. A


Running away for me is first to God, then my husband and then to the beach! Good morning!                                                                                                              Earlier this month I talked about running away! Yes, running away! When we think about this we think about a child who gets mad at home because things at home are not going the way that they think they should. Maybe not going their own way! So, they run away! There is really no thought except to get away. Well, as an adult do we sometimes think that if only I can run away things will change! Then, things will go right! Now sometimes maybe so. Then again maybe not! Thinking about this, first of all, who or what do we want to run from? Are we running from God? "This Christian life is too hard." Or "life is too hard", if we are not Christians. Are we running from a person? (If we are running from a person, then maybe it is high time that we get some prof


  Good morning to you! "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus  Christ. I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God  which was given you in Christ Jesus..." 1 Corinthians 1:3-4 I have not written here for awhile. I believe that I didn't even finish the blog through the Choctaw Mission Trip. I always have great intentions but then we get so busy and exhausted that  I don't get take the time to finish. Then I get home and I choose to make a slideshow, video and picture DVD and then burn 40 or so DVD's for each team member (2 for each family because I couldn't fit it all on one) and write thank you notes and figure out our financial records for the week and send those to our ministry that registers and insures us. And then my Dad came for a week and then my son and family came for the weekend and then through all this I have a husband and a home to take care of, and among many other things too, a small busin