Just 3 more days and spring will be here! Yay!

Good morning!

Singing: This is the day the LORD has made. 
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NLT

For those of you who don't know the song! This is the Day

Is this the way you begin each day? Or do you wake up grumpy? 

I have always been a positive person. Well, at least most of the time. It is easy to fall into the trap of negativity. Woe is me kind of stuff. It is a choice if we are positive or negative. I choose to be as positive I can.

My grandsons were here for 3 days. I loved every minute of the time with them. It can get a little chaotic sometimes and, of course, a little tiring. (Grandparents certainly know why young people have children.) I can't imagine how Abraham and Sarah handled having a child when he was 100 and she was, I think, 91. Genesis 18:1-15: Genesis 21:1-7. But with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 NIV. And:

I can do all things through

Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13 KJV

So, Sarah and Abraham handled it all with God's help and strength. And we can do the same, whether it is our own children or our grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Sure we get a little cranky and tired but God's Word also says that:

Children are a heritage from the LORD, 
offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3 NIV

So, we should cherish them, love them, dote on them, protect them, and teach them the things of God.
And much more, of course!

Sure, we aren't perfect. Children aren't perfect. We are going to make mistakes. But we do the best we can with God's help. And it isn't going to be easy. Life isn't easy. But we don't give up. We don't stop trying. We don't turn away from our children. We just keep going, keep trying. And we certainly shouldn't complain. If we didn't really want children, we shouldn't have them. As adults we certainly know where they come from.

So, back to the waking up positive or negative. I choose to make my day positive. God made it. He gave it to us. Who am I to complain about it or turn it into a negative. When I get up when I have the kids, I sing to them and smile at them and hug them and tell them how much I love them. Every day!!

And I do that to my husband also. Well, I don't sing to him. But I do the rest. Of course, he leaves for work before daylight so he may not see me smile but he does wake me up, if not already awake, and he always tells me goodbye and that he loves me.

What can be better than that! So, make your day positive. Praise the Lord first thing in the morning. Start your day with a conversation with Him, prayer. He made you! He loves you! And He made the day. So, your days are not perfect. Don't complain. Let Him bring you through them. Remember He will never leave you are forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6: also, Joshua 1:7-9

How awesome is that! 

Have a blessed, positive day that the Lord has made! Make that choice!


P.S. Whenever you see a link, underlined and possibly black, blue or purple print, that is linked to scripture or a song, or whatever I link it to. Just click on that link to go there. You will be glad you did!


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