Read this! God is good. But I wanted you to know that when we got to Mississippi, we had no internet and on the Choctaw Reservation we had no cell service. And in order to get on this blogger I had to have my password which I don't normally carry with me. So, I had to post my Choctaw blog on Facebook. So forgive me! (Added August 9, 2017)

Good morning! It has been awhile since I have written here but I only do it when I feel God wants me to as apposed to when I first started this in 2012 and wrote every single day. Some days it was hard to do! So, God changed that. Isn't He good?

I would like to share with you, that starting on June 25 I will start posting pictures and blogging here about the Choctaw Mission Trip. I will be busier than normal this year as I will be teaching a class so I will not be the normal photographer who gets to go around taking pictures of the classes as Vacation Bible School progresses throughout the week. The good thing about this change is that I get to tell the 3-5 grade girls about Jesus. And in all reality that is more important than taking pictures! Lord, don't let me hold back! Let me give my all!

So, I am very excited about that. My husband and I have led the team for 17 years and I have not taught a class since the 2 years before that. And I loved it! Of course, I am 17 years older also. But God is my strength, my power, and my All in all!

My devotion this morning was about how good God is. And that is so true! All the time! 

I am going to actually give the quotes from the devotion because I can't give any better words.

"Read 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 (Just click on this link for verses.)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

By Tina Chaves (New Jersey, USA)

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. A few years after my diagnosis, I went through months of debilitating pain. At that time, I was unable to do much at all. Every joint hurt — even my cheekbones and my jaw. But through it all, I knew God was with me and would take care of me.
Previously I had battled depression and struggled with the death of my fiancĂ©, but I had experienced God’s goodness through the support of others and the encouragement from scripture such as the verse quoted above. This new pain was difficult, but God’s care made it more tolerable and gave me joy. Some of my friends were baffled. They couldn’t understand how I could have such joy in the midst of my suffering. After all, wasn’t God the one who was allowing this? I explained to them that because of God’s tender care in my darkest hours, I have come to know that God is good and remains a steadfast, caring presence at all times.
God is good, even when we lose our jobs. God is good, even when a marriage fails. God is good, even when a loved one dies. And yes, God is good, even when we have debilitating pain. God is good all the time, and it is precisely our faith in God’s unceasing goodness that can give us outrageous and contagious joy. God is truly good all the time!

Thought for the Day: Even when circumstances are bad, God is good.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for your love. Help us to have faith in your goodness so that we can share our joy with others even when life is difficult. Amen."

Now "God is good all the time" is not just a cliche. It is the truth. God doesn't make bad things happen to us. God is good to us. He blesses us. He shows favor to us. Adam and Eve started the bad stuff when they sinned. That allowed satan to continue to bring bad things to the world. Otherwise if this hadn't happened we would live in a perfect world. Obviously we don't! Bad stuff happens!

Look at Job. God didn't make all the bad things happen to him. But God allowed them to happen. In bad or difficult things in our lives, we have to learn to depend on God fully and all the time. That His grace is enough! And that is what He wants! He wants us to know how much He loves us and is with us all the time. He never leaves us!

God said to Paul: 
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

Moses wrote:
Be strong and courageous; don't be terrified or afraid of them. For it is the LORD your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 HCSB

So, let us depend on God! Let us reverence Him because He is good! Let us praise and worship Him because He is worthy! Let us give our all to Him and NOT hold back!

Have an awesome day!



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