Hello! Much time has passed since I have had time to write here and tell you what God has done. God is amazing and good all the time!
But this special time on the Choctaw Mission Trip always touches my heart. Time spent sharing the love of Jesus with the Choctaw adults and children is always such a blessing. We have been coming for so many years that we know the people and they know us. And to me that is wonderful and a blessing!
Many things don't always go as we would hope. We got here and had a desperate problem-little to no water. Which means that the night we got here to Philadelphia, MS for the Choctaw Mission Trip, 35 people, our team, after working 4 1/2 hours unloading a bus, 2 vans, 2 trailers, cars, cleaning 4 bunk houses, organizing the kitchen, supplies and everything else. It was 92 degrees. Probably 90% humidity. And that was after traveling 6-7 hours to get here. We did not have any water so didn't get showers. Maybe I shouldn't admit these things but it is all to show how wonderful God is and how much He cares for us.

Well another amazing day on the mission field. Much is getting done. New roof put on the sanctuary at Great Spirit UMC. That is the big project here. And of course, the most important job is telling the children about Jesus and His love at Vacation Bible School.

I will post  a few pictures here later!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

JESUS is Lord!


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