Good morning! I haven't posted in a while because, well, lots of things have happened.
My dad started getting weaker and weaker when he was stuck at my house for a month when Covid started. He was here visiting only a few days when all was shut down, church, visiting friends, restaurants, etc. That made him very depressed. And depressed to the point of wanting to sleep all the time.
My sister and I finally gave in and did a Daddy drop-off in the northwest mountains of Georgia. I live in TN and she and Dad lived in NC. And this was about the half-way point. (In 2012 Dad and Loretta, my step-mom, moved away from here after living next door to us for 15 years.)
Once Dad got home he did the same thing. He slept all the time. He never turned the TV on once from the day he left my house until the day he passed. He was a TV watcher but I know that at that point he was having a hard time understanding what was going on. 
He also didn't want to get dressed or take a shower. It was too much work and he was too tired. 
I went to see him several times after that day. Then, one time I was there visiting, he couldn't move. His body was so tired he couldn't even walk around. He was in bed and couldn't wake up or get up. I kept checking on him and telling him that he needed to get up but he would fall back to sleep. He never did get up. I can't tell you how many times I checked on him.
Then that afternoon I went to check on him again. He was sitting up. He said that he had slept enough and had to take a shower. He went into the bathroom and a little while later I noticed the shower never went on. I checked on him and he was sitting on the edge of the tub and couldn't move. He didn't know what he was supposed to be doing. 
After talking awhile I asked if I should call an ambulance. He said yes that he needed help. So, I did. I had never called an ambulance before. My niece and her babies were there and she urged me to do it.
Anyway, long story short this day was June 11. Between then and the 21st he was in the hospital and then in a hospice house.   It was a long week and a half. But then again it was very short. We were able to visit him in both places one at a time, then it was two. The only reason we could visit was because he was losing his life.
If there was a chance he would get better we couldn't have visited. That is such a shame! Family needs family close when they are sick, etc. But that is the days we live in now.
So, on Father's Day dad went to be with Jesus. To me it makes the day very special that God chose a special day to bring a special man home to be with Him!
I didn't make it to the hospice house in time. I tried but I had gone home to spend a couple days with my husband and then on Father's Day after church I was going back to see him. I was about 1 1/2 hours too late. I still went to see him. And actually he didn't look any different than he had for the last week. 
We thought that Dad went too fast, which was great for him but not so great for us. But we never want to watch a person suffer and he didn't really. For him though, staying alive was suffering. He wanted and was ready to meet his Maker!
Dad had slept most all the time in the hospital. We couldn't get him to eat. And he couldn't really communicate with us. When he would be asleep he would talk. We don't know if he was talking to us or in his dreams. Then, it was the same everyday for him. That was who he was at that point.
God sees us as we are. He accepts us as we are. He doesn't wait until we are perfect, clean as snow, or better, to make us His child. When we decide to believe in Jesus, we must ask Him to come in and live in our heart, and make Him our Lord and Savior, we don't have to be clean of sin. We only have to believe in Him, live for Him, and let Him clean up our lives. He loves us and takes us as we are!
Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sin. We don't have to. Jesus did it for us! How amazing is that love that God has for us that He would give up His One and Only Son for our sin! 
Our sin, not His! Jesus never sinned ever! And yet he paid the price for our sin! That is why He is our Savior. He saved us from our sin!

But my prayer to You, O LORD, is for a time of favor. 
In Your abundant loving devotion, O God, answer me 
with Your sure salvation.

Oh, Hallelujah! Glory forever and ever! 

My Dad is in Heaven with Jesus because he made the choice to make Jesus his Savior! And I am so glad! I will get to see my earthly father, my daddy, again because we both knew Jesus as our Lord, and our Savior!

Jesus and heaven are waiting for you to make that choice also. God wants you there! He loves you! 

He wants you to believe in Him and make the right choice, will you?

Here is a website that will help you with that. It will tell you exactly how to pray and what to do! Do it today (Click on this link):

2 Corinthians 6:2 NLT
For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. 
On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, 
the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation. 

I love you, my dear reader, have an awesome day!


P.S. I will tell you next time some of the things my dad and I did together through the years. He was an awesome father!


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