You will seek me and find me, when
you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 NIV
Good morning! I have written my blog many times before about seeking God. But this morning I wanted to read more about how to seek God. So I googled it (actually I use the duckduckgo search engine because it doesn't steal your personal info) and I read an article in Road to Glory. It was a great article. But then I clicked on Seek the Lord on Bible Anyway, the article is extremely long but wow. It is a definite must-read. Even if you need to bookmark it and read a little bit everyday. However you do it, it is really eye opening. Even when you think you know the Lord intimately already, there is always a lot more to learn.
This particular part of the article that made me want to share is this because it is all part of seeking God:
"If there is one major, whopper, profound, can’t shout-it-out-loud enough thing that God is looking for from each one of us – it has to be this revelation that we try and seek to establish this kind of best-friend relationship with Him.
Talk to God just like you would talk to your best friend. Share your most intimate, private, and personal thoughts and feelings with Him that you would never consider sharing with anyone else.
Be willing to completely open yourself up to the Lord, with no holds barred. Be willing to lay yourself totally bare. Be available to God 24/7, not for just 2 hours a week in a Sunday church service. Be willing to talk and communicate with God anywhere and at anytime.
Just like you have total freedom to call your best friend up anytime you want, do the exact same thing with God. The Bible tells us that God never sleeps or slumbers. He is always on duty, day or night, rain or shine, storm cloud or no storm cloud. He is always there for you, 24/7, 365 days every year."
I think that I know all these things but do I really do them? We think that we do open up to God. I mean doesn't He know everything about us already. I don't need to tell Him all things because He knows it all. Of course, He does know every intimate detail about us but He wants us to share it with Him anyway. He knows our wounds and our pain. He knows our sordid past. He knows it all! But an intimate relationship with Him starts with us sharing it all with Him. Every sordid detail! Every last jot! Every last tittle! Share it and give it to Him!
But seek first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness, and all these
things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 ESV
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you
will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For
everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks
finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8 NIV
There are so many verses about seeking God. Everything that God mentions in the Bible, His Holy Word, is so important. But when He talks about it many, many times it is almost a command if it isn't a command. Does this make sense?
Just decide to seek God in this new year. Make it a priority. A must-do! And see how your relationship with Him changes. How much you grow in Him! That is His will for all of us. And just maybe during these very trying times we will realize that He will fill up that hole in our hearts that we knew we had but didn't know what it was.
He loves you, you know! Just seek Him!
Have a blessed day!
PS. All scripture is NIV unless noted as to version.
Red letters is Jesus speaking.
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