I took this very short video this 
morning of the snow but for some 
reason I couldn't get it to 
download. This is what I got. I 
believe it works, though!

Good morning! It is snowing! As I sit here in my son's room, now my sewing room, I sit straight across the room from the window. The snow is awesome as always! It reminds me of purity, the purity of Jesus Christ!

This is a new day. A new week. A new month. And each day that God gives us brings new beginnings. And the snow means a clean slate to me. The saying comes to mind, "As pure as the wind driven snow".

Can we make a clean slate of our lives? Oh, yes, we can! Or should I say that Jesus can! 

Here is an article: 

Lesson 19: The Cleansing Power of Jesus (Luke 5:12-16).                                  

This is a long article but very interesting and could answer a lot of questions we may have.

We read this in these verses from the Roman Road to Salvation:

The Romans Road to Salvation Meaning:

  1. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
  2. The wages of sin is [eternal] death (Romans 6:23).
  3. The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23b).
  4. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
You can read about these Roman Road Scriptures here.

These websites explain it so much better than I could ever say it. Much deeper also than my little mind can comprehend it. But it is definitely where we need to be in our lives.

Just a reminder that Jesus is coming back soon. It could be the next very second or 1000 years from now but it is soon. And I for one am ready! And I wish, pray, and hope for everyone that I know and don't know that they would be ready also. 

I know that my eternal life is with Jesus in heaven. But if a person does not know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord, their eternity is in hell, eternal damnation, evil, fire and brimstone. You will have eternal life but in the most horrible place ever. I for one, never wanted to find out what that is. And because of what Jesus did for me and all of us on the cross, and my belief and trust in Him, I never will! Praise God for that!

You can go to heaven also! And that is what my wish is, that everyone in the world will believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and follow Him, surrender to Him. Yes, this does mean a commitment on our part. But you know that is okay. If I can be with my Savior in heaven for eternity, that is definitely where I want to be. And I hope that is where you really, in your heart, want to be. 

I don't mean to be mean, or too graphic, or heartless but this is what the Bible, God's Holy Word, says. This is not my words but God's. I am just sharing it.

Whether you have or you have not decided to believe and follow Jesus, please read this article first:

And after reading all these long articles, then make your decision. If this is too much to understand, then please read it again and ask God to help you understand. At least you will be greatly informed of your need for the Savior. We all need Jesus! 

Here is a great song for you to listen to!

There is really a lot in this blog. If it is too long for one sitting, bookmark it, and come back to it later.

Have a very blessed and wonderful day!

I am praying for you!



P.S. I do not own the rights to the articles or song.


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