My Dad

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!

Two years ago today my dad went to be with Jesus for eternity! I am so thankful that he came to know Jesus. Because if he hadn't, we wouldn't know where he was except to be in eternal damnation.

My dad was an amazing man! A wonderful father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, friend, and so much more. He was funny. He was sweet. He was so much fun to be around. 

On the last days of his life, my sister and I spent as much time as we could at the hospital with him, in North Carolina. Then I decided that I needed to go home to Tennessee and spend the weekend with my husband. I did. Then after church on Sunday I was going back to NC to see dad on Father's Day. When I was about two hours out from the hospice house that he was living in, I received a call as I was driving there. They told me that I needed to get there quick because he wasn't going to make it much longer. I told them where I was and that I couldn't get there any faster. A little while later they called back and said that he was gone. Of course, they asked if I wanted to see him. And of course, I said yes I do! 

So, I got there and spent time with him. I prayed and talked to God and to dad. I told dad all kinds of things. He wasn't there as we know. He didn't have a clue what I was saying. His soul was already with Jesus which made me very happy but it also made me sad. I knew that I would never see him again alive on this earth where we could have fun together. But Jesus heard me talking and He knew what I was saying and that is all that really matters.

But do you know what? I will get to spend eternity in heaven with him serving and worshiping Jesus. And with my precious dad, and my mom and all my other loved ones that have gone on before us, I will get to do these things also, as well as dancing at the feet of Jesus!

So, Dad, Happy Father's Day in heaven. I love you and miss you so much!

Your little girl,



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