The Big Day!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We are on the road. We have 9 cars at least in our caravan. That is a little rough. When we get on the road it gets hard to know if we have all "our ducks in a row". We don't want to lose anyone before we even get there.

Traffic was heavy in Chattanooga but not too bad. When we got into Birmingham it was stopped. Right before downtown it was four lanes having to go down to one lane. We lost an hour of time. O well!

Isn't that like life? We get all busy with every thing going on around us. We flitter here and we flutter there and our focus is not where it should be. It is panic, and stress and so on.
When all along our focus should have been on the One who loves us so much that He gave Himself on the cross for all our sins. And just maybe we wouldn't have had the panic and stress that we have had if our eyes were focused on Jesus!

So we praise God for the team of 24 that He has put together. And we know that He is with us every step of the way guiding and directing us on this path this week.

Please pray for us.

Thank you,


  1. Jerry and I are so glad you arrived safely. Continued prayers.


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