Good day to you! 

And it is a good day. An awesome day but somewhat of a sad day for our team. We had to say goodbye to each other. Our team, our circle of prayer, will never be the same. In all the years we have never had exactly the same team members. There is always those who come back and those who don't come back for whatever reason. We are always just very thankful that God puts our team together. We have made new friends and seen old friends. But I know that some of us have drawn closer to Jesus because of His amazing grace.

This year we tried some things new. We had a young adult/parenting class. We also had an Biblical Abstinence/Responsibility lesson one night for the youth. One night was girls and one night was the boys. This turned out to be an amazing time. And this was something that was really needed. The Choctaw adults who came said that this was something that was really needed. They said that this should be done every year. The teen pregnancy rate  is very high among the Choctaw.

Some people like mission work and some people don't. It is very hot in Mississippi and very humid. Our trip is very tiring and very hard. We are very busy the whole week. There is always a lot to do. We are so thankful for our teams through the years who have accomplished so much for the kingdom of God.

We are on our way home and when getting to the Chattanooga area it is bumper to bumper through it. So we got on Hwy. 11 and taking the scenic route. It is actually very pretty through the hills of North East Alabama and North West Georgia. Please continue to pray for us. 

We are anxious to get home to our own beds. To our own cooking although the food on our trip was amazing. At least I think so! To our families and friends. God has given us an awesome week giving our all to Him!

I will post pictures again:

I will continue to think and write about the trip for several days. And then I will go back to my every once in a while blog. And you can keep reading when you can and if you will.

I will add more later. My computer is about to die.





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