Happy 4th of July to you!

Our God is an awesome God! I am so sorry that I didn't post this weekend. I was trying to catch up on my rest. I somehow caught a summer cold or bronchitis or something a couple of days into the mission trip and it has gotten worse instead of better. 

But God is in control both of our circumstances as well as our country. I plan to keep my focus on Jesus no matter what. Even when I can't breathe or can't stop coughing.

I hope that each of our team had the opportunity to brag on God or give our testimony at church yesterday of what God did while on the Choctaw Mission Trip. He is to be high and lifted up. He is to be honored and glorified. He blessed our team so much. The last couple of nights Lori's whole class prayed the prayer of salvation as well as 10 from Miss Debbie's class and 2 in Miss Stacey's class. 

God knows their hearts. We must pray for those children. We must pray that they will be become disciples of Christ. That they will not be ostracized and that there will be someone to teach them how to follow and live for Jesus. That is really the hard part for us. We spend 5 nights with the Choctaw children and adults in the Bogue Chitto community and then we leave. We certainly must trust God to finish the work that He used us for, and what is so great is that He will. He can do it better than us! His ways are perfect!

As we celebrate the birthday of the United States of America, let us always remember that God is our creator, our portion, our provider, our refuge in times of trouble. As I said He is in control. And no matter how bad things in our lives and our country seem to get God will lead, guide, and direct us, and take care of us if we let Him. We have to let go and let God!

I must go to a pancake breakfast now but I will come back when I get home and post some more pictures to this blog.

So enjoy your day with family and friends and remember that Jesus loves you!



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