I hope that you are thankful and full of gratitude. The joy of the Lord is our strength even in whatever you are going through and however you are feeling.

I want to share this devotion with you from the Upper Room Magazine.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.
- Psalm 34:17 (NRSV)

Today's Devotional

Boyce, a single, teacher-friend, was facing a Thanksgiving alone — his family 2,500 miles away. So, we invited him to celebrate the day with our family. Within minutes of arriving, he was in the den with the children, laughing, rolling on the floor, and having a wonderful time.
The following spring, Boyce began to struggle with pronouncing words; he had to focus intently to complete a sentence. Soon after, he was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). His condition deteriorated rapidly, but he continued to communicate via e-mail. I vividly remember the way his last e-mail began: “I’m having a great day. I hope you are.” He described his physical condition: he no longer could walk or talk. He could barely raise one finger to slowly and meticulously type that e-mail. Yet Boyce was having a great day.
I’ve noticed that Boyce and other Christians who seem to be bubbling over with joy and contentment and have a passion for life all share an unwavering faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The joy we seek is available through faith.

Jeff Jenkins (North Carolina, USA)

Thought for the Day:
Our joy is in the Lord.

Prayer: Almighty God, help us to understand that joy, contentment, and peace are available to us through faith in you. Amen.

Prayer Focus: People suffering from ALS

This really made me think since I have been dealing with some health issues. I will be fine no matter what since God is with me!

Sing it aloud!

Again remember these verses:

"...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

Have a blessed day!



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