Good morning!

"Jesus is a thoroughly competent leader. Life begins when a person whispers, "Jesus, today you lead, and I'll follow. Whatever I have to do in my relationships, my body, my health, and my finances are in your hands. I won't try to figure out the rest of my life. I won't try to solve every day. Just today. You lead. I'll follow."
The way to glory is through humbling. The only way to freedom is through submission. The way to victory is through surrender. The way to life is the Jesus way."
This is a quote from John Ortberg,  pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, California, and author of The Me I Was Meant to Be (Zondervan, 2010).

If you would like to read one of his online studies called: (click this link)-

What is the best way to grow spiritually?


It is really good. I find a great way to learn more about God and seeking Him is to search the internet. I just typed in Google, How do you grow in Christ? And wala! 53,400,000 results! Wow, I don't need that many results. I couldn't read all those in my lifetime. So, I start at the top and click. I only want the truth of God. I am sure a lot of those 53+ million results are not biblical so we have to be careful. But I am always looking for others' ways of teaching the things of God. God's Word is first and foremost but sometimes we just need someone to explain things a bit so we can understand better. The very best way to do that is to ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. And He can also use other people who are much more learned than me.                                                                            

I could use the many, many commentaries that my husband has on his computer in his pastor's software but I choose to search online. There is so much to find about the One True God, my Lord.


This is not for everyone but it is for me. I have learned so much by seeking God in this way-first in His Word and then in seeking the many things of God online.


There are awesome websites out there that are so helpful:,,, for topical scripture,, I could go on and on but I won't.


If you are looking to seek God and His wisdom, searching online is just one way to go. Just be careful what you read. Some of it is not the truth of God!


Remember Jesus is our only hope! And He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!


Seek Him only!


Have an awesome day!









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