Image result for turn your eyes upon jesus

Good morning to you!

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus 
Christ. I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God 
which was given you in Christ Jesus..."
1 Corinthians 1:3-4

I have not written here for awhile. I believe that I didn't even finish the blog through the Choctaw Mission Trip. I always have great intentions but then we get so busy and exhausted that  I don't get take the time to finish. Then I get home and I choose to make a slideshow, video and picture DVD and then burn 40 or so DVD's for each team member (2 for each family because I couldn't fit it all on one) and write thank you notes and figure out our financial records for the week and send those to our ministry that registers and insures us. And then my Dad came for a week and then my son and family came for the weekend and then through all this I have a husband and a home to take care of, and among many other things too, a small business to tend to and...
All these things are good and awesome and great but I just tend to run out of time and energy and my mind goes blank and I don't want to do anything and I just want to run away from it all. I guess that is what depression is. Do you ever feel that way?

Well, Jesus is the one we should turn to! Jesus is the one to refill and refresh us when we just want to run away. We can do nothing without Him! He is the one who gives us everything to run this race we call life. 

Good things happen. Bad things happen. All things happen. Nothing happens. Where do we turn? We turn to God in prayer. We turn to God's Word. We just turn our all to Him!

"Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the 
earth; For I am God, and there is not other."
Isaiah 25:22 

"Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter 
of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the 
cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the 
right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2

So the song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus is a great song. When was the last time you heard it or sang it? When was the last time you really read the words or ever just read the words? When was the last time you actually turned your eyes on Jesus and truly focused on Him? For more than a fleeting second?

Well, here is the song and the words are in the bio of the women who wrote it. Take the time to do these things right now!

And all those things of earth will grow strangely dim!

Praise God we can go to Him and focus on Him and the things we are going through and all the busyness of life will grow dim as He changes our hearts to love Him more and spend time with Him more and more.  That is just what He wants! And He, Jesus, will take care of it all! He will bring our heart and mind back to where it should be and we will praise and worship Him and He will love us all the more for being obedient to Him. He will love us all the same but we will feel His love more. Be more in tune with Him! Just where we should be!

So, turn your eyes on JESUS!

Have a blessed day!

Image result for turn your eyes upon jesus


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