From the dock at Bluewater, Hilton Head Island, SC


Last post I was talking about running away. We shouldn't run away from God but to God! I think that there is a song about running away from God. Here it is so listen to the words. I think that we have all been there at some point in time.

I did sort of run away and go to the beach, alone. You say, how could you do that? Well, we had an extra week paid for and hated to let it go to waste. My husband had to work. And I just did it! I did it actually seeking to find God and draw closer to Him. But I wanted Him to have His way!

He certainly did! His glory was so evident! I met people, other Christians. And those who may not have been. The beach and the sunrises and sunsets were amazing. I took lots of pictures much to my husbands dismay. I came home and showed them all to him and he just shook his head and said that he can't understand why I take so many pictures of the same thing. Aw! But I might miss something!

Anyway, God brought me some wonderful people to fellowship with in the pool and on the beach. Well, I was really communing with God on the beach. It was so beautiful! But on the side of the pool and in the pool I met some wonderful people and I talked about God with them (just as part of the conversation, "praise God", "thank God"). All week though I wondered what I was really doing there by myself. I had talked to one lady specifically at the pool. She seemed kind of down but I thought maybe she was shy. And maybe she was. I tried to engage her in conversation and make a new friend.

The last night I went swimming and then walked to the dock with a couple I had talked to all week. While out there the "shy girl" came out there with her husband. Then awhile later they started to leave. I walked away to say good bye to her. And she told me that she sort of sought me out because she wanted to talk to me. She told me about her tests this week to find out if she had cancer. That she was afraid and that she wanted me to pray for her. Oh my!

That is what I was there for. My husband told me that, and my friend did also when I got home! I told her I would pray for her and also I would do it right now. So, I did pray for her right on the spot, on the dock, with people all around. Then she kept hugging me and saying thank you. It certainly wasn't me. It was all God! And I am so thankful! For He is worthy to be praised!

God can use us whenever and with whomever He wants, wherever we are. Are we willing to be used? I am humbled. I am embarrassed. I am blessed. I am privileged. I am loved by God. He will give us all we need to fulfill his purpose. And I guess I was willing. So, whether we run away or just go away alone to be refreshed to the garden or to the beach, may God use us in His own special way, whatever that may be. And may we be obedient!

Colossians 3:17   And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Acts 1:8  "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Matthew 5:16   In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

I certainly tried to let my light shine before others even though I was alone. Even though my husband was at home. And God led me to be obedient to Him by praying for this sweet, frightened lady! I could have said "no". But praise God I didn't! Thanks be to God!

Be blessed!




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