Running away for me is first to God, then my husband and then to the beach!

Good morning!                                                                                                             

Earlier this month I talked about running away! Yes, running away!

When we think about this we think about a child who gets mad at home because things at home are not going the way that they think they should. Maybe not going their own way! So, they run away! There is really no thought except to get away. Well, as an adult do we sometimes think that if only I can run away things will change! Then, things will go right! Now sometimes maybe so. Then again maybe not!

Thinking about this, first of all, who or what do we want to run from? Are we running from God? "This Christian life is too hard." Or "life is too hard", if we are not Christians. Are we running from a person? (If we are running from a person, then maybe it is high time that we get some professional help for our own safety.) No one ever said that life would be easy. These days some people don't want to work hard at life or anything else.

Then, are we being selfish? I would say maybe so. God has a plan for our lives and since it is His plan and not ours, we want to do it our way and not His. Well, sorry but it is His plan and He knows just what we need. And it is always the most beneficial way for us because it is His way. He knows the big picture! We don't!

Our way may be a good thing. Our way may benefit others as well as ourselves but God always has something even bigger and better for us and for others! Why is it so hard to trust and obey?

It is that selfish, inner man (woman), fleshly sort of thing that we were born with, such as sin! Woah there! "We want things our way." "It is my way or no way!" Or "it will be my way or hit the highway". "This can't be sin". Well, we must stop right there! If anything is against God, yes, it is definitely sin.

God is in control not us, first off. "But I don't want to give God control of my life!" Well, His control is not the same kind of control that a another person might have over us. With His control, He has also given us free will. But He can only hope that we do give that control to Him. We can make our own decisions. Some we make may be His way. And then some we make may not be His way. And some of those may not have a good outcome. And then some will!

Just an aside, when we have a job, we have a boss, and as a boss they have a right to tell us what to do. That is what a job is. We work for someone else or even ourselves but we still have rules to follow and the right way to do things. I am not talking about that. But God does want us to follow the rules!

He loves us so very much that He wants to take care of us. And His ways are the best ways for us. We just have to see that. His Word tells us that. So, we must read and study His Word to know that.  

So, is running away from anything the best option? I would say "not"! Running away only gets us in trouble and postpones the inevitable. We need to deal with stuff now, get it over with, and move on. And with God's way, His help, His guidance, His leadership in our lives, He will give us the best outcome.

Psalm 18:30
As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
Exodus 33:13 
"Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight." 

Psalm 25:4
Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. 

Psalm 86:11 
Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.

Isaiah 55:8
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

I don't know about you but I want to know God's ways and His paths for me. That way I can follow Him and do the right thing. And if I try to do the right thing, He will lead me in the way everlasting. And I won't want to run away. I will keep on keeping on knowing that God has my back! And I will praise His Holy Name!

Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24 

Have an awesome day! And don't run away! Give it to God! He can take it!



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