Good morning on this very cold but sunny New Years Day 2020! A new year! A new day! A new decade! A new beginning!

And on this note, below is a blog I did last year after New Years and never finished it. I am going to leave it here because I think that it is noteworthy. But I am going to finish this now for the 2020 year.

2019 may have been an amazing year for you. Or it may have been a not so good year for you! But again today is a new day.

First of all, if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, today is the day of salvation, as God's Word, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:2.

I promise you that your world will change when you give your life to the Lord. Because then He is your Guide, your Leader, your Lord. And then we don't have to do everything alone. He is there to talk to, to spend time with, to worship, to praise. We shouldn't be doing these things for ourselves anyway.

The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself in Mark 12:29-31.

You may say that you don't want to be commanded by anyone. Well, I would rather be commanded by the Lord than to be following the devil in any way, shape, or form. There is no gray area there. You either follow the Lord or you follow the evil one. There is no in between or middle ground. I choose to follow Jesus all the way.

Now, that doesn't mean I am perfect. Oh, I am so far from that. I make mistakes. I still do stupid things. I sin against my Lord! But when I choose to follow God, repent of my sin, and turn from my wicked ways, then He will hear me, forgive me, and help me to do better. And of course, I will do better but hopefully I will not repeat the same sins. And if I do, the Lord will forgive me again.

God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sin so that we may live.

There is so much more I could talk about now but I will leave off where I am.

I pray that your New Years Day turned out great with rest, relaxation, thinking about how you will do your part to make 2020 better than ever. And God will start, and continue, to work with us and through us to make this new year great.

His grace is sufficient for us and HE will take care of us and never leave us!

Blessings to you,


Good morning on this Sunday morning, our Sabbath day, a day of rest, a day which the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

God is good all the time and all the time God is good! We, my husband and I, have had an amazing experience. God speaks to us all the time through the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we hear and do! As in James 1:22:

But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (NLT)

And sometimes we hear and don't do as in Proverbs 8:33:

Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. (NIV)

Well, there have been two times that I specifically heard God say to my heart: Go and do it!

And I felt a peace like no other about both from that moment. The first time is when a Brazilian evangelist (lives in GA) came to our church and spoke about his ministry in Brazil. It was amazing and God said for me to do it, that very night. I felt such a peace about it through the whole experience, even walking through shanty town, high on a hill with sewage running down the both sides of the street, drunks everywhere, the poorest of the poor, living in cardboard huts. The children were as happy and playing like God intended children to do. They had nothing! How humbling!

That was a two week trip. I trusted God every step of the way. And He provided every dime for this trip through God's amazing people.

The second time was a month and a half ago. After hurricane Florence and Matthew I felt that I needed to go help. God said go. Well, my mind wanted to go to Florida near Mexico Beach. My plan. 
But God had a different plan. So, then we were going to Albany, GA. Or so I thought! Then as it worked out God wanted us in Jacksonville, NC. Wow! So, we went on the 8th of November. What an amazing ministry we went with, Samaritan's Purse! God had us right where He wanted us. My husband was able to go with me which is always a blessing.

(This is where I left off November 18 of last year and didn't realize that I had never never finished and posted this. So I will continue now.)

It was an amazing week! Our leaders told us that even though we were there to help people in their yards and home, more important was the ministry we were to do with the homeowners. They were our # 1 priority. We spent time talking to them. We prayed with them and cried with them. Several of the homeowners where I worked asked Jesus into their heart. It was absolutely wonderful. And even though it was one of the hardest weeks of my life physically, spiritually and mentally was even better. It was all more than I could ever imagine and more!

I would love to do it again and again as long as I am able. To God be the glory!

So, however and wherever God calls you to serve Him, in your home, your community, or many miles away, do it! He will equip you and help you get there every step of the way. We must depend on Him, trust Him, and follow Him. And He will give us so many blessings along the way. 

Let God use you because life is an adventure, an amazing journey. And along the way God will change your heart! How awesome is that!

Blessings to you!


P.S. My plan is to do my blog more often. I have let it go and I am so sorry! God is so good and there is so much to tell about what He has done!


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