Good morning!

All is well here. I haven't been on for awhile. As I said a while back, life is so busy. I don't understand how people can be bored!

Last weekend we went to Resurrection. This is a youth conference that happens every year in Gatlinburg, TN, and this was the 30th anniversary this year. There was probably 5000 attending including youth leaders and pastors.

What a blessing to see youth and their leaders praising and worshiping the Lord together in corporate worship. The speaker, Reggie Dabbs, was wonderful and so was the worship band. It was City Harmonic. I hear them on our local Christian radio station. 

Our youth were intrigued with the speaker. He is a sought after youth speaker who knows how to talk to teenagers. It all was a blessing!

And to spend time with our youth leaders and the kids was also wonderful. We don't get to hang out very often together.

We all need to get away every once in a while. Away from the every day life, just to be renewed and filled to overflowing with God's Spirit. It fills our tank so to speak. Now, we can do that every day at home in our time with God. But actually getting away is even better. Where getting away like this is all about God not us.

I don't know about you but my quiet time sometimes is interrupted with phone calls and the dryer buzzer going off and I tend to take care of these things. When you are at a conference your whole focus is on Jesus. And that is definitely where it should be, even at home.

So, I am going to try harder to read God's Word, pray, and worship Him without succumbing to phones and dryers. But just sweet worship, just Jesus and me, with Him as my total focus.

And I hope that you can do the same!

Let everything that has breath 
praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Psalms 150:6

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Psalms 73:25-26

Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1
God is spirit, and his worshipers must 
worship in the Spirit and in truth. 
John 4:24
Have a terrific day!


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