Took this picture while walking
on my road in the morning. Fog 
was over the pond and the sun 
was coming up. It was really cool!

Good day to you!

Today is Halloween. I remember as a child going trick or treating. We ran the streets without our parents with no fear of problems or crime. There were many on the streets of our neighborhood and I am sure there were many parents but I don't even remember seeing them. The Halloween holiday for us was just for fun and for lots of candy.

We took our kids out trick or treating when they were young but when they were a little older we decided that God wouldn't be pleased with the Halloween stuff and we stopped. Our kids didn't seem to fight it. At the time they seemed to be okay with it. I think we made the right decision at the time. 

What does the Bible say about Halloween? Well, we know that the word Halloween is not in the Bible. I am not going to list any verses but I will give you a web address for you to decide for yourselves. And then you can make the choice of whether to observe it or not. The article was not favorable of Halloween.

And we know that it will be between you and God. But at least read this, pray, and think about it. That is what we should do about everything anyway.




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