Good morning on this fine, cool Saturday!

It was only in the low 40's here this morning! 

Blessed be the Name of the Lord! The song with this name is great. There are so many songs out there that really lift up and praise the Lord. Do you listen to them? Music is one way we can really give ourselves to the Lord. When you listen, do you worship Him or do you just have the music in the background going about your business and not using that time to worship in Spirit and in truth?

I like the music in the background but I also like to take some of that time to lift up my heart and voice to God in worship. 

I was listening to some songs yesterday while driving and some of them just brought me into the presence of the Lord as I sang and worshiped. I will say there are times when God just takes me out of the presence of what I am doing and puts me in His presence. I was worshiping and sometimes that may not be good while driving. But God has always protected me even though I don't remember driving. 

Listen to: Draw Me Close.

Listen to this song and put your heart and mind on Jesus.

Have a blessed day!



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