Good morning!

Oh, God, why do I allow the evil one to get to me? When I am in a hurry and something simple and small happens and I get upset then I am not allowing God to work. My frustrations are not from God. My attitude is not from God either. Help me Lord!

Again time constraints. So, I will share a great devotion for you. It meant something to me! And I hope that it does for you!

God Can Use Our Frustration

Mark 11:15-17
We saw that when fleshly desires and godly freedom collide, the result can be frustration, anxiety, and dissatisfaction with our circumstances. Unless we’re careful, that inner turmoil can lead to sin.

There is another form of frustration, however. It’s used by God to motivate His children to make a positive difference in the world around them. This emotion is derived from witnessing acts of evil, feeling a great need to deliver the gospel to the lost, or becoming discontent with the moral deterioration of our culture. It comes from being burdened by the same things that weigh on God’s heart.

Ephesians 4:30 says the Holy Spirit within us can become “grieved,” or saddened, by the rampant evil all around. When this happens, we experience the sensation of godly frustration. Perhaps this is what Jesus felt when He witnessed the money changers selling their wares in God’s holy temple (Mark 11:15).

If we are not cautious, though, acting upon impulsive urges can cause needless damage to others and to ourselves. So, to bring about positive change, we must properly direct any feelings of spiritual frustration. That’s why it is important to establish a practice of submitting all our emotions to the Lord. When our hearts are pure, He will reveal to us what He would have us do.

The next time you experience godly frustration, lift up your feelings to the Lord, and wait patiently until you receive clear guidance about how to proceed. He may ask you to take action, or He may call you to intercede quickly in prayer.
In Touch Ministries, Inc. 

When I get frustrated I need to go quickly to prayer. Praise God for whom all blessings flow!

Have an awesome day!



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