Good morning to you!

Hope that your day has started out great. Another very busy day. I pray God's blessings on you!

I am going to share this with you for sake of time.

Come near to God and he will come near to you.

- James 4:8 (NIV)

Today's Devotional

As my parents age, they are becoming more and more dependent on my help. I do what I can, but it is not easy since I work and have responsibilities in my own immediate family as well. Because life has become such a struggle for Mom and Dad, our every visit or phone conversation has become focused on the next list of requests they have for me. Sometimes I feel I have become merely a facilitator of all their needs. I’m happy to help as much as I can, but I miss just chatting and laughing and doing things together the way we used to.
This may be how God feels when I pray only when I have a list of requests. I know that God cares about my needs, and I often mention them in prayer. But I very seldom pray just to worship and be near God. I regret looking to God merely as a facilitator of requests. More and more I am realizing that God wants more than my requests; God wants my heart.
Julie Gilleand (Indiana)

Thought for the Day:
Today I will treasure my time with God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, reignite our hearts with love for you. Remind us that our times of communion together can be not only about our needs but about spending time with you. Amen.

Prayer Focus: Those caring for aging parents
From the Upper Room Magazine

Have a terrific day!



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