Good morning!

Moving kind of slow this morning. I was blessed to walk with my neighbor at 7:30 am but since then haven't done much. Oh, I did clean up a mess. My potatoes rotted and I didn't know it. Yuck!

I am getting a little lazy these days. Gotta get moving! Well, at least when I finish this blog. Praise God for His many, many blessings!

I always liked this saying. It really tells a lot.

No Jesus!
No peace!

Know Jesus!
Know Peace!

If you don't have Jesus in your life, you are lost. And you will have no peace at all. You might think you do. But the peace of Jesus is like no other. So, if you know Jesus and He resides and abides in your heart then you will know true peace that passeth all understanding.

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..." Romans 5:1

This is written by Juli Camarin: 
"Occasionally while I am driving I will see the old bumper sticker, 'No Jesus, No Peace; Know Jesus, Know Peace' and it makes me smile. In the midst of this tumultuous time, many people are looking and longing for peace. However, just like the truth written on the bumper sticker, unless you know Jesus, as your Savior, peace is an elusive thing.
We will see that through faith we can obtain the righteousness that God ascribes to by believing in Jesus and putting our total faith in Him. Through His death and resurrection on the cross He has offered us total redemption and justification through His blood shed for us. Being justified before Him, brings us to a state before God, whereby it is as if we had never sinned. This is great news because Romans 6:23 say, "for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Our sin brought with it, death and separation from God, however Jesus' redemptive work on the cross paid for sin once for all as he stood in the gap for us. (Colossians 2:13-15, Hebrews 9:28, II Corinthians 5:21) If our sins are paid for, then it is as if we had never sinned, so being justified before God brings us peace.
The amazing thing about this verse in Romans 5:1, is that it shows how incredible God's grace is and how much He loves us. While we were still sinners and enemies of God because of our sin, He sent Jesus to die for us and extended the offering of peace to us. Many Christians do not understand that we are at complete peace before God. He is not angry with us, He is not mad at us, our sin is not an issue with Him... the truth is, He loved us so much he did everything possible to restore us unto Himself, He stopped at nothing.
Many people go through life trying to fill the void, emptiness and longing for peace with everything else but what can truly satisfy. Jesus told his disciples in the book of John, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) It was imperative that they knew how to have peace, because all around them was trouble. Jesus is called the Prince of peace. So even in a world where we lack peace and trouble surrounds us at every turn, by knowing Jesus we have peace, not only heart peace, but we have peace with God because we have been justified by Him.
The only way to access this peace, is by faith in Jesus. Today I pray that as you read this, you make Jesus your Lord and Savior and experience true peace before Him. Knowing that you are at harmony with God will also bring heart peace into your life to enjoy always. Amen!"

I hope you feel the peace of Jesus today!




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