Good morning on this blessed Sabbath Day!
We will worship You, oh God! We will tell of your amazing works!
Come and see what God has done,
his awesome deeds for mankind!
Psalm 66:5
Boy, it was hard to get up this morning. I feel as though I need to sleep for a week. But as usual there is so much to do. But in all reality, does it really need to be done now? No it doesn't. As my lovely daughter said probably in different words, "Do it slowly over days and weeks, not all at once." What a smart daughter we have! I always feel that I have to get it all done right away.
A week away on a mission trip that is way too exhausting. But I know that when I catch up on rest, I would do it all over again tomorrow. That is what a mission trip is like.
And so many of God's awesome deeds are not only the Choctaw children and adults that we minister to, but the things we see that are God moments. Things that God is showing us. Things God does to show us that He is in control and we can trust Him to do what He says He will do.
I will post some pictures today but that will be the last pictures of the mission trip for this year. You may have gotten tired of hearing and seeing about the mission trip but what a better way to share God's wonders.

This is all I can do. God is good! God is great and we praise His Holy Name!
Have an awesome day worshipping God!
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