Good morning.

Having definite trouble with internet on my phone. So I have to post it with no pictures for now. And I can't finish the end of this. Thanks for reading and hopefully better tomorrow. 

I pray that all is well. God is good all the time and all the time GOD IS GOOD. May He be glorified and praised. What a long and tiring day. It was a day of many changes in our routine. Sometimes repetition does make for an easier time. When we plan and prepare for this trip things that I need to do are easier than in the beginning. They have become routine. But lots of things happened today that truly were not of God. Remember we are fighting principalities and powers that are not of this world. The evil one has been working overtime and he is a defeated foe. Jesus is the answer. Jesus is in control. Jesus is by our side and is in us and using us. May He be honored and glorified. 

Yesterday when we finished 3 awesome church services, 3 pastors on our team who preached at the 3 mission churches, it started raining. Not just raining but buckets full which continued through most of Bible school with lots of thunder and lighting. The guys were trying to put up 2-15 x 25 ' tents in the rain with metal poles. It was pretty wild. And again God is good and awesome all the time. 

I could tell much more but I don't have time or room. We had 113 at VBS last night. Best participation ever on Sunday night. Tonight we could have 150. Only God knows. Our team is awesome. 

They have worked so hard. We praise God for them. We have been searching for God moments this week. We have seen many. Praise  God for it all!

I will post pictures now. 

Thanks for your prayers. We need them. 

Cleaning doors for painting!!

Breakfast today!


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