Good morning!

I won't be able to finish this for a couple of hours so bear with me. Much to do. Had to clean the van we rented and will have to return it by a certain time this morning. Got up at 6:15 to do that cleaning when we wanted to sleep in. I guess for us that was sleeping in especially since my husband fell asleep at about 6:30 last night and slept til 6:15 this morning.

So, will get with you later. But I do want to say thank you for your prayers and support of any kind that you gave. And if you are a team member, thank you so much for all you did. The hard work you did when you didn't feel like it. The sweat you gave. But most of all for the love you gave to the Choctaw people. They really appreciate it and so do we. God is smiling at you and loves you more than anything and so do we.

So I will post pictures in a couple hours and tell you more.

May God bless you mightily! 


Well, I am back and never posted the pictures so I will now just before I go to bed. I should have gone to bed much earlier but have been writing thank you notes for a lot of the day. Here goes with the pictures.

The last night with 
150 attending VBS.

The faces of these children is what it is all about!

Jesus said, "Let the little children 
come to me, and do not hinder 
them, for the kingdom of heaven 
belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

I thank God for the privilege and opportunity to serve Him in this way. And I pray that God opens the door for you to serve Him on the mission field. There is nothing like it!



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