I have taken some strange pictures before and this is one of them. I
don't even know where or what.  I thought it was a sunset. And it may be!

Good morning!

We had pretty good storms last night. And I know we did at home also. I pray that everyone is okay. I heard that up on Dayton Mtn. in Rhea County, TN, they got hit pretty bad. 

We had the power go out twice yesterday here in Western NC. We woke up to an outage this morning when a tree hit the power lines and caused a mess.Then during our service last night it went out again.

God was with us and protected us as He always does. His divine protection is awesome.

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are 
Peter, and on this rock I will build my 
church, and the gates of hell 
shall not prevail against it.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord 
is faithful. He will establish you and 
guard you against the evil one.

2 Samuel 22:3-4 My God, my rock, 
in whom I take refuge, my shield, 
and the horn of my salvation, my 
stronghold and my refuge, my 
savior; you save me from vio-
lence. I call upon the LORD, who 
is worthy to be praised, and I 
am saved from my enemies.

These scriptures are promises from God. His promises will help us through the storms of life. God is going to keep His promises. God is going to do what He says He is going to do. And again it is something that we can definitely count on all the time. Because God doesn't break His promises.
Have a blessed day!



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