Good morning!

I want to share this devotion with you today from The Upper Room Devotional Guide. It was very good.
(If you click on the blue printing, it is a link and will take you to the scripture.)
Jesus said, “If anyone is ashamed of me . . . 
the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he
 comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”
— Mark 8:38 (NIV)

Today's Devotional

Recently I discovered that it is possible to love Jesus deeply and to be his follower and yet to be ashamed of Jesus when faced with an awkward choice.
I routinely receive help and advice from a skilled nurse. On my last appointment, she suggested that I fill in an “activity diary” for a week. Afterward, she would study and discuss my entries with me.
A problem arose when I came to filling in the Tuesday section. On that day each week a friend comes for coffee and a time of prayer. But I just put “for coffee” in the diary, not wanting to reveal more. A few days later a neighbor told me of an operation she was facing. “I’ll be thinking of you,” I assured her as we parted. What I meant was “I’ll be praying for you,” but I didn’t want to use those religious-sounding words.
Later, I read the words of Mark 8:38 during my devotional time. Those words stung me. I was recently guilty on two counts and guilty many other times in the past. Could I, who love Jesus deeply, be ashamed of him? I had to face the stark truth that I could, and then tell Jesus how sorry I was. Most of all I asked for his words and courage to speak my faith next time.
Elaine M. Brown (Perthshire, Scotland)

Thought for the Day: Christ’s love compels us to share that love with others.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, give us courage so that you will never have cause to be ashamed of us. Amen.
Prayer Focus: For a willingness to share my faith

Let's not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Have a blessed day!



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