Good morning!
Well, we got out yesterday. My husband did get to go to work. When he got home from work he took me out to do some things I needed to do. There was a lot of snowy, icy spots. But if you drive slow and don't brake and don't turn your wheel quickly then you were fine. I am just glad that he took me out and I didn't have to drive myself. I am one who would brake at every ice spot and drive too slow. My husband says that when you slow down on the ice that sometimes you lose momentum and your wheels will spin and then you don't know what will happen or where you will go. I would rather have him chauffeur me around. That is more time to spend with him. I don't mind that at all. It is like a little getaway.
How can I spend more time with Jesus? Meditate, go to church, pray, read the bible, be good to others and yourself. Now what more can we do? Before we get into spending more time with Jesus, we need to think about this: are we spending enough time with Jesus. Are we meditating and praying enough? Are we going to church every time the doors are open? How much time are we spending reading the Bible? Are we even reading the Bible at all. Are we loving our neighbors as ourselves? Are we worshiping God freely and in spirit and in truth? Or are we holding back because of what people might think of us?
Only you know the answers to these questions. Only you know where you are in your relationship with Jesus. We can never out give God either in time or money. The more time you give to Him in whatever capacity, the more He is going to give you. But the best part is the more time you give to Him, the more you will know Him. And how much more can we ask for. Oh, to know Him better!
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.
Luke 6:12
If Jesus spent the whole night in prayer, how much more do we need to get away with Jesus.
Also, remember: to love Him is to know Him! The more we know Him, the more we please Him and love Him.
Have a spectacular day!
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