Our driveway but 
not recently. 

Hello on this fine day!

Our high today is about 19*. I went outside to sweep the leaves from in front of the back door. Wow it was cold because the wind was blowing. It has stopped now but whew! We still have snow on the ground but it isn't going to melt until it is a lot warmer.

I couldn't live where it is cold like this all the time unless I never had to go anywhere. It is nice and cleansing and fresh but too cold for me outside. We lived in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California for 2 1/2 years at about 5000 elevation with lots of snow in the winter. But I was 27 years old so that really makes a difference. 

But I do know this, if God wants me to move where it snows and it is cold, I would do it for Him. If He were to make a way, that is what we would do. We did it before when we moved from California to Tennessee. Never thought I would ever leave CA. But God made a way. Praise the Lord!

Here is the song "God Will Make a Way" by Don Moen.

Praise the Lord! He knew what He was doing. My husband would never have been a pastor if we hadn't moved. My kids would have had different spouses. Life would have been so different had we stayed there. We would have been disobedient for one thing. God told both of us we needed to move. He sold our home in six weeks at a time where nothing was selling and we got the asking price. Wow! God definitely had a plan and gave us a way. And He will do it for you also.

Have a tremendous day!



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