The sun was coming out and this was amazing!

Good morning!

Wow! What a day! Woke up to 8" of snow. Before I even got up, 6 AM, the power went out and didn't come back on until about 1:30 in the afternoon. My husband had to start and crank up the wood stove and get wood and cut kindling. We quit using the stove about 5 years ago because of my allergies. The smoke and the smell just get to me and give me headaches. But I love the idea of a wood stove.

My husband shoveled the driveway of snow so he could get out to go to the work in the morning. Then we went for a walk to check on our neighbors. On the way down our driveway a tree was down. Not all the way but across the driveway and leaning on the other trees. So, after our walk and finding the neighbors fine, he cut down the tree at least the best he could. Several neighbors came and helped. Praise God for that! 

The best thing about the snow is that it is absolutely gorgeous. Outside was so quiet. When we went for the walk it was like we were in a winter wonderland and it didn't even seem real. I sort of tried to build a snowman but I am originally more of a city girl and don't know much about building a snowman. The snow didn't stick together at all for me. But what do I know. 

Now God knows it all. There is nothing we can do or think that God doesn't know about. But do you know what is most important? That God knows our heart.

                       He said to them, "You are the ones who 
                     justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but 
                    God knows your hearts. What people value 
                          highly is detestable in God's sight.
                                              Luke 16:15

Search me, O God, and know my heart!
    Try me and know my thoughts! 
 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting!
Psalm 139:23-24 

So, we need to watch what is in our heart and make sure that what is there is not detestable to God. I want only Jesus in my heart, His thoughts, His love, His everything. I want to be pleasing in His sight. Don't you?

Have a wonderful day!



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