Our driveway a couple of days ago.

Good morning this fine Saturday!

Oh Lord how great Thou art! Bless this day You have given us, this one that You have made. May we glorify You and Your name in all that we do. May we be pleasing in Your sight. May we always seek  Ye first and also Your righteousness and all these things will be added unto us. Help us to always follow You and Your plan for our lives. Oh Lord thank You. You are our Rock and our Redeemer. In Jesus Name Amen.

I was feeling like God wanted me to start out with prayer today. Did you have a great Valentine's Day yesterday? I sure did. My husband didn't buy me a card. Before He left for work yesterday, he actually took a piece of copy paper and made one with crayons. It was so sweet. Then when he returned home from work he brought me a miniature rose bush to plant outside. How wonderful! He knows that I love roses and brought me one to plant instead of throw away. He is so practical. And the card. I love it. That means so much more to me than a card that costs $5.00. God has truly blessed me with him for almost 38 years. Sure I get upset with him sometimes. I mean surely he is not going to do everything exactly the way that I want it. But I would say that is okay, afterwards, he doesn't need to be a clone of me. Sometimes that is hard to remember.

I think I was that way with my kids. I wanted them to do everything I wanted them to do exactly the way I did it. And now I know that was wrong. My way isn't the best way. Actually only God's way is the best way. He tells us how to do things in His Word and that is how we are supposed to do it.  We are to do everything the very best we can and do everything for His glory and honor so that we may be pleasing in His sight. That is what I want to do.

Life is a learning process. We make mistakes and we try again to do better. At least most of us do. We should learn from everything we do and every trial and tribulation that we find ourselves in. With God leading us, hopefully we learn and we grow into better people than we were the day before.

How about you? Does that sound like a plan? I hope so. I want the very best that God has to offer for every one of my readers. I am praying for you!

For I know the plans I have for you," 
declares the LORD, "plans to prosper 
you and not to harm you, plans 
to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 

Have a terrific day!




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