Good morning to you! 

We are on the road again heading home. In the last two weeks I have been in 5 states, including home, see ice, sun, rain and snow, and from -2* to 75*.  I do like the 75* and the beach the best. But I got to spend time and stay with, with our daughter and son-in-law, my niece and husband, my sister and brother-in-law and see some old friends and their son get married. It has been so muxch fun and even exciting. And I praise God for it!

I am doing this blog on my phone moving in our car so excuse the mistakes. 

I give God the glory or try to in every thing. Do you? If you can't find the words, search the scriptures. I know you can find lots to say to God in the Psalms and also some in Revelation and lots in other places also. But God desires our praise. He desires our attention. He desires our worship. God loves us whether we do those things or not but when we are obedient to Him we do these things whether we feel like it or not. We do them because we love Him. 

Have an awesome, wonderful day!



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