All ice, no snow!
Good morning to you!

Are you iced in today? Well, it is pretty icy but because of the warmer day yesterday the roads are fine thus far. My outdoor deck, porches, and stairs are covered in ice. I won't go down the stairs. It isn't doing anything right now but it is supposed to snow. This morning my husband cancelled church for tonight and I know that most every church,  some businesses, and all schools are closed today in our area. That was posted on TV last night on the evening news. You just don't want people on the roads for their own safety but also the safety of others. We don't want a repeat of what happened in Atlanta a few weeks ago. What a mess!

Is your life a mess? Do you think it is or do other people say it about you? Wow! What a thought. Surely it is not that bad but maybe it is. 

I want to share this blog (a little long) from Lisa Qualls: Meditations on a Messy Life.

You know those people who always seem to have it all together? They look great, their children are well behaved and dressed in darling outfits, their homes are decorated and lovely, and life seems to be going along swimmingly? I used to aspire to be like that, but that doesn’t seem to be God’s plan for me. It’s not that I’m admitting defeat or saying that I’m giving up on a tidy life, rather I am accepting that our path is messy.
When we love people, we invite their brokenness and mess into our lives. Mess is inconvenient; it takes our time, energy, and sometimes money to make it better. Despite our efforts, the mess cannot always be fully contained. It spills over and touches the people who dare to stand near.
We lived in Colorado for six years prior to moving to Idaho. During those years I suffered from an autoimmune disorder that was a constant challenge. I had many medical appointments, took medication that made me feel a bit crazy, gave birth to two babies, was hospitalized with a blood clot, ruptured a disc (requiring surgery) during our daughter’s birth, had surgery again (with complications), and so much more. This all happened while Russ was adjusting to his first faculty position at a university. My life was messy.
My disorder finally went into remission and we moved to Idaho. Nobody here knew me as the woman who was “always sick” or “needed a lot of help.” I loved it. I was free from that old life and I had the rare chance to start over. Our life was good in so many ways – we had a new home, new church, and new friends. I enjoyed homeschooling my children and they were thriving. I had two flares of my blood disorder, one quite severe, but we made it through.
Then God called us to adopt our children –and life got messy again. Our children from “hard places” struggled and we struggled right along with them. We became needy and could not manage alone. I determined that if somebody asked if I needed help, I would always answer “Yes.” Many times I had the humbling experience of seeking help from my friends.
I’m not the friend I used to be. I rarely host guests for dinner, I almost never take a meal to somebody with a new baby, my house is no longer tidy, my children are not always well-behaved (and that is putting it mildly). In short, my life is messy.
God knows what we need. He knows what we can manage and what we can’t. Best of all, He never leaves us –never.
I yearn for a tidy life; it suits me. I feel comfortable with tidy. I want to be the woman who has it all together, who drops off muffins an hour after a new baby is born, whose children have beautifully braided hair and matching Easter dresses, who mails birthday cards on time and answers emails before they are weeks old. But that isn’t the life God has for me, at least not right now. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever see that life again, and my heart hurts thinking about it.
Yet, I want what God wants. I want to lay down my life to do the good work He has for me. Will this bring pain into my life? Yes, it already has. Is it worth it? Yes, and yes again. I have a front row seat to the healing power of God in my children and family. My life may not always be pretty, and sometimes I worry about the future. I miss the life I used to have, but when I think about Jesus, my heart is easier and my burden is lighter.
My life may be messy – but I pray that it is beautiful to the One who matters most.-Lisa Qualls

And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage
 the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. 
1 Thessalonians 5:14
Be blessed!



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