This post was from yesterday and I never posted it. I finished it and didn't click publish. Where is my mind? I hope my mind was on Jesus.

Good morning on this blessed Sabbath Day!

A wonderful, beautiful day which the Lord has made. Enjoy it here in our community. Because this week it is supposed to get cold again. Oh, spring can't get here soon enough. Praise the Lord!

Varieties of Praise

The next question becomes: how then do we praise the Lord?  Scripture shows us many ways to praise and worship Him.
The Scripture:  Psalm 47:6
"Sing praises to God; sing praises to our King, sing praises."
17.  How are we to praise God? 
The Scripture: Isaiah 12:6
"Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you."
18.  What else are we to do? 
The Scripture: Psalm 47:1
"Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy."
19.  What does the psalmist tell us to do?     
The Scripture: Psalm 150: 3-5
"Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet...with the harp and lyre,...tambourine and dancing...strings and flute...cymbals."
20.  List some of the musical instruments we can praise God with.     
The Scripture: Luke 6:23
"Rejoice in that day and leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven."
21.  What does Jesus tell us to do?     
The Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:14
"David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with a linen ephod."
22.  How did David praise the Lord?     
The Scripture: Acts 10:46
"They heard them speaking in tongues and praising God."
23.  What accompanied the early Christians' praise?     

17. With singing
18. Shout
19. Clap our hands, shout with cries of joy
20. Trumpet, harp, lyre, tambourine, strings, flute, cymbals
21. Rejoice and leap for joy
22. With dancing
23. Speaking in tongues

All scripture quotations in this publication are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 New International Bible Society.
Copyright © 1998 by JoAnne Sekowsky 

Have a blessed day!




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