God's beauty in Lake
Junaluska, NC last June.

Good morning!

How are you this wonderful new day that the Lord has given us? All is well here. The little bit of snow that we might have had this week didn't come. As much as I love it we have had enough. 

It is time for the spring, when God renews our land with beauty of the flowers and rains and greenery. Only He could have created these things for us to enjoy. But do we? Do we take the time to just smell the roses? Or do we keep our heads to the grindstone of life and not pay attention to the wonder and beauty around us? 

The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1

I try to look around and notice God's paintings. His paintings are ever changing and beautiful to say the least. This world we live in has so much beauty in it and I think that God, Who never changes, is showing His love to us through that beauty. And it is breath-taking! If only we would look. And then when we see it, we can only but thank and praise Him for it. 

I am going to share a poem that I found by Ezna Stephna:

God's Beauty

Can you see God's beauty?
Can you see His love shine
In everything around you?
Just look at all the magnificent signs.

You can see his love twinkle brightly
In the stars so strategically placed.
You can see it in the brightness of the sun
As you feel its warmth caressing your face.
You can see his love in the moonlight.
Light of purity as it smiles from above.
Can you see God's Beauty?

I can see God's beauty. Can you!

Have a blessed day!




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