Good morning!

I want to share a story of a lady about servant hood. We have really lost this way of giving to God in our lives. We live in such a me, me, me society now days. We have lost that loving, caring, serving attitude that God wants us to have.

This is the story, from Greg Ogden's Discipleship Essentials we are studying, that really touched my heart:

"The servant has restless eyes always looking for needs to be met. This truth is captured well by the story that Mary Rutan tells of meeting one such servant. Her church in Alaska was hosting preaching missionaries in their homes. Before the missionary arrived who was to stay in their home, the Hong Kong flu totaled their household. Before they could make other housing arrangements, there was a knock on the door. Mary’s husband was the only one well enough to stagger to the front door clutching his robe against the wind. He explained the situation and that it would be best for the missionary to stay elsewhere. As Mary wrote, the missionary didn’t just step through the door, he strode through with a firm, “OH, NO! YOU NEED ME HERE!” To their amazement he put down his luggage, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and began to wash the dishes. Mary Rutan said she had heard many sermons on servanthood but none so eloquent as those six words, “OH, NO! YOU NEED ME HERE!” Servants have restless eyes, looking for unmet needs. This man's eyes were on the lookout for how he could be helpful. A servant doesn't wait to be asked but restlessly looks for unmet needs."
Are we really looking for unmet needs of others, just waiting to help? Are any of us looking out for the needs of others on a daily basis?  If we aren't, we should be. A servant sacrifices themselves for the needs of others.

"Service requires self-sacrifice. Servanthood is death to self. Being a servant is contrary to our nature, requiring personal crucifixion. Being a servant is the opposite of being full of self," says Greg Ogden.

I will share the link to this lesson: Community of Love
This story I printed above really got me to thinking. If all of us were servants for Christ, serving others, how much better would this world be? Now I am not saying that we aren't servants of Christ. Don't get me wrong. But do we truly put the needs of others before our own all the time? I can honestly say that I don't. And shame on me!!

John 13:34-35 
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Philippians 2:7 But made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
If Jesus could be a true servant as an example for us, ultimately giving up His life on the cross for us, then certainly we can try to be like Him as we are supposed to.
Let us look for ways to serve others and show the love of Jesus.

Have an awesome day!



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