Good morning!

My devotion this morning was so good. Well, they all are but this one touched me. So, I am going to share it with you.
Divine Guidance

[God] is the maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
- Job 9:9 (NIV)

Today's Devotional
One of my favorite activities after a hectic day is to step outside after dinner, when all is quiet, and gaze at the evening sky. On a clear night many stars and constellations are visible, such as Pleiades, the Big Dipper, and Gemini. But my favorite has always been Orion — maybe because its outline and belt are so distinct in the sky.
Recently, my Bible study group was studying the book of Job. When I read Job 9:9, it occurred to me that the constellations have been around since the beginning of Creation. The ancients looked upon them with the same awe and reverence that I look upon them today. In the same way, God has been there since the beginning, and God is with us today. God is unchanging; the God who spoke to Job is the same God to whom I pray every night.
In our busy lives, it is easy to get caught up by stress and anxiety and let the One who has the power to relieve them go unnoticed — or forgotten. The mariners of old used the stars to guide them because they were a constant. Our constant is the God who created those same stars — the unchanging God who will be with us all the days of our life’s journey.
Wallace Brixner, Jr. (New Jersey, USA)

Thought for the Day:
No matter how lost we may be, God can find us.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being our light and our guide through every circumstance of life. Amen.

Prayer Focus: Astronomers

I think part of me liked this because about 6 or 7 years ago I bought a telescope for my husband for Christmas. Like anything that is not already part of your life, you don't always jump in to it because it is something you have to learn how to use. And in astronomy there is so much to learn, a lot of studying to do. And we looked through it a few times and it fell by the wayside.

When we were young we belonged to an astronomer's society but we always looked through other people's telescopes since we couldn't afford one of our own. It was so cool. But when I bought this one I realized also that the ones we looked through years ago were very, very expensive. The one I bought wasn't as nice although it was a fairly good one, but maybe one for a beginner. 

As all the other things we have sitting around catching dust, maybe we will get into it when we retire. 

All this to say, God created all things. And He did a wonderful thing. A lot of it is for our enjoyment, but all for His glory. We do know how beautiful the night sky is when the sky is clear. And I praise God for it!

Remember to praise God for the awesome creation He created!

Have a perfect day!



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