Good morning!

Remember the old nursery rhyme:

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells,
And cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

Well, I don't believe that it takes silver bells, cockleshells, and pretty maids all in a row. But it does take time, water, money (for seed, pesticide, if you don't do organic, and fertilizer), and lots of patience and stamina and/or strength for digging, etc. 

Well, really I am talking about the garden of our lives. Specifically our spiritual lives. In order to grow, we must do some things. Once we receive Jesus as our Savior and make Him Lord of our lives, we must do something. We must read and study God's Word. We pray (fellowship with Him). We go to church and learn more about Him. We fellowship with other Christians. And we praise, worship, and obey Him.  We do these things because He is worthy and because we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we do these things we grow. 

We do grow at different rates of speed. If we slowly move into doing these things, then we may grow slower. If we seek Him first and foremost at utmost speed, then we will probably grow faster. 

We also grow differently as far as how we grow. Read these scriptures:  Matthew 13:3-9

We grow and then don't go all the way to where God wants us. And we may fall by the wayside. Or elsewhere. Only God knows!

Tomorrow I want to share a bit more about that. So, stay tuned!

So, how is your garden growing?

Have a wonderful day!




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