Good morning!

How are you this fine day!

Are you blessed? I am. I have been in California with my Dad and my step-sis and family. We went to my cousin's wedding, whom I hadn't seen since 1981, 32 years ago, when they came out to see us when my son was born. That was a long, long time ago. We went to the dinner they had on Friday night and then to the wedding on Saturday afternoon. We had a great time. We met children and grandchildren we had never met. It was wonderful!

And I praise God that we had the privilege to do it. And the time spent with my DAD WAS SO PRECIOUS!

My Dad and I went to Lakewood First United Methodist Church this morning. It was a multi-cultural church and the people were very friendly. The sermon was great. We enjoyed it so much.  The music was great. They had some sort of drum like instrument but it made the piano and hymns sound a little Asian or Bahaman, I don't know which. It was an instrument that we didn't study when I taught music in the school. But it really sounded cool. 

Dad leaves for home tomorrow. He is so tired. He hasn't slept much since we have been here. Please pray for him and my step-mom who broke her foot in 3 places and had pins and wires put in. She is not really a happy camper. Bless her heart!

So I praise God from Whom all blessings flow for his goodness and his grace and mercy. His love endures forever.

Another blessing, when we got back to the house last night it started to rain. And it rained all night and some this morning. It hasn't rained here in so long. Most of this state is in a severe drought. And I mean bad. No watering much of anything is allowed. Water rationing they call it. 

Glad that we don't have that problem in Tennessee. Sometimes it seems like we get too much rain but then sometimes we don't get enough. Oh well, are we ever satisfied?

So, take advantage of the precious time you have with your family. Life is short!  Worship The Lord in Spirit and in truth. And give God the glory for all your blessings!

Have a great day!



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