Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas
(Not my picture but I would sure like to go there. Actually, I have been there but not on the beach.
It is the island the Atlantis Hotel is on.)

Good morning to you!

Cleaning up! Cleaning out! Getting rid of things! My children are going to go crazy when we die and they see how much junk we have. We are not pack rats by any means. Well, maybe we are just a little. Though we are not hoarders. At least I don't think we are. Maybe someone else would think so but I don't really think so. Our kids, maybe do!

I was attempting to clean out my son's closet this morning. There is still things in there that are his because he doesn't have room for the stuff at home. So, I guess I was trying to cleaning out some of our junk and organizing what is left. I didn't throw anything away yet! But I will!

Sometimes we have to clean up, clean out, get rid of things in our lives for Jesus. If we have a negative attitude we need to get rid of it. If we have bad memories, we need to clean them out. If we have bad language in us, we need to throw it out. Why would Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, want to live in us, when we are filled with awful stuff. Remember He doesn't like sin. And we are full of sin.

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23

But we have a way out from under it all!

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

So, because of what Christ did for us on the cross and the resurrection, we are forgiven of sin and have eternal life. Hallelujah! God doesn't like sin but He knows we are not perfect and are going to do it. And He loves us so much that He will forgive us anyway. 

We need to throw away the things in our lives that do not please God. Like our idols-too much tv, movies and shows with bad language, love of money, people we idolize. All the things that Jesus wouldn't do, we need to get rid of.

Now I know we are never going to be perfect, but we need to attempt to follow God and be obedient to Him. How about it? Isn't it worth a try! I think so!

Have a blessed day!



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