Good morning on this blessed day!

Who in your family served our country in the military? Who deserves honor and memory for doing the same? How blessed we are to have people in our country who were and are willing to give their lives for their country. Our country!

My husband and most of his brothers, 4 of the 5, and his father, served in the military of the United States of America. His father and one brother retired military. My father served also. I am not bragging but I am saying how proud we are of them. Not only do the military sacrifice for their country but also their families sacrifice and sometimes suffer.

How patriotic are you? We should be very, very patriotic. Sure our country is in a shambles at this point. Sure things don't go as we think they should. But in all reality God is in control. We need to trust Him in all circumstances. It is man, many men and women, who have gotten us in the trouble we are in as a country. It didn't happen overnight. It didn't happen by one or two people. The only thing that we can do at this point is vote, pray and stand up for what is right.

It is a privilege to vote. We should be registered and we should all vote every election. Don't ever think that one vote doesn't count. Your vote counts. If everyone thought, that no one would vote.

So this is where we are at this point and what we should do as a people and as a country and as a citizen of the United States of America.

If my people, who are called by my name, will 
humble themselves and pray and seek my face
 and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear 
from heaven, and I will forgive 
their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Have a wonderful day!




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