Good morning to you!

Did I miss doing the blog yesterday? I apologize. It seems as though when I knew that I had an extremely busy day I focused on that. Went to Chattanooga and had a lot to do. 

“Honor your father and your mother, 
so that you may live long in the land 
the Lord your God is giving you."
Exodus 20:12

I pray that you had a blessed Mother's Day on Sunday, you mothers. I sure did. My husband cooked me this awesome dinner after church. Oh, it was so delicious. Now I didn't get breakfast in bed but I am not my husband's mother. He does bring me coffee every morning when I get up if he is still here, work-wise I mean. Neither of my kids live nearby but I did talk and text and facetime and get a card so that was a blessing to me. They are always a blessing to me! I miss them so much.

I have to share my Mother's Day devotion with you this morning. I thought it was really good. And on that day my husband's sermon about mothers was awesome. Anyway this is from the Upper Room Magazine.

The Mother Heart of God

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.
- Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)

“Mommy!” My daughter’s middle-of-the-night whimper drags me from my cocoon of sleep. She is up yet again with a flu bug that won’t leave her alone, even at two in the morning. Her cries awaken compassion in my sleepy heart, and I use my gentlest touch and my softest voice to make her comfortable again. I pull the comforter up, smoothing her hair with my hand. “Go to sleep now,” I whisper. “Everything’s all right.” She sighs contentedly and closes her eyes. Back in my own bed, I remember a phrase: the mother heart of God. I have heard the phrase before, but tonight I understand it in a new way. It means I am not alone. I feel alone sometimes. When I am the one with the flu or when I wake up in the dark after a bad dream, I long for my mom’s presence and help. I still need her, even though I am 35 and have been gone from her house for many years. I think I will always need her special love and protection. It comforts me to think that, although my earthly mother is not at my bedside tonight, God listens for my cry. With the heart of a mother, God whispers, “Go back to sleep now. Everything’s all right. I’m here.”

The Author

Sara Matson (Minnesota, USA)

Thought for the Day

God tends to us as a mother tends to her child.


Help us to depend on you, dear God, as children depend on their mother. Amen.

It is never wrong to honor our mother every day. God told us to.

Have a blessed day!



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