Good morning!
I am going to share with you a writing that I read this morning which I thought was very good. Going on this mission trip this past week definitely gets you out of your comfort zone especially for those who have never been on a mission trip before.
A Healthy Discomfort
Still another said, "I will follow you,
Lord; but first let me go back and
replied, "No one who puts his hand
to the plow and looks back is fit for
service in the kingdom of God."
Luke 9:61-62
All my years of sitting and standing have left
me with chronically stiff muscles and joints. So recently, I’ve
started a regular habit of stretching to try to ease my aches and pains.
I remember well the first few classes as I strained to touch my toes
or reach above my head. My body seemed to rebel against the twists and
bends, and I couldn’t help but wonder, Why am I putting myself through
all this? Here I was trying to soothe my pain, yet the stretching still
caused considerable discomfort.
The instructor knew she was challenging us, and patiently, she coaxed us
to keep moving, to keep trying. “Get comfortable with the discomfort,”
she counseled.
Her gentle persistence has kept me coming back to her class, and over
time, I’ve experienced the benefits. My flexibility has improved. I
don’t ache as much. Now in class, when I push to stretch just a little
bit more, I know what I’m feeling is a healthy discomfort that will make
me stronger and help chase away the unhealthy pain.
In the same way, I believe, Jesus calls us to “get comfortable with
discomfort.” He didn’t promise an easy path — in fact, just the
opposite. He set the tone from the start as he beckoned people to
follow him. No good-byes. Just come. Along the way, we know he pushed
his followers in uncomfortable — and profound — ways.
The discomfort of stretching and growing continues to be part of the
Christian journey. But Christ is with us every step of the way,
persistently coaxing us toward becoming the people he calls us to be. Sarah Wilke, Publisher of the Upper Room
I hope you enjoyed the reading and saw how you can do what you should do and depend on Christ to help you every step of the way.
Have a wonderful day before the 4th!
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