Good morning to you!

Is your heart as wonderful on the inside as it is on the outside? Sometimes we paint a pretty picture to others of how our life is going but on the inside we are torn apart. We aren't happy. We aren't joyful. We aren't as picture perfect as we seem.

I want to be as good on the inside as I try to be on the outside. Part of my thing is I am happy with other people. I enjoy people, talking, visiting, etc. But the issues on the inside are usually my own issues, like I don't like myself. I never have or at least for a very long time. I went through a rough time in my life when I was first married (my first husband). He was abusive in every way you can be. Physically not as bad as it could have been. Needless to say I don't have a lot of confidence in myself. Words definitely hurt. They can change your life. The old saying: sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Well, that is so not true! Words do hurt. And for some reason that all comes out at times. I can see it. I do hope that no one else does.

If you are going through stuff and you can't get out of it, even if it is a battle with the mind, get help. Don't be embarrassed. Just do it. Life is too short to live in misery when God loves you so much and He wants to heal your hurts. He can heal them but sometimes He wants to use someone to help us.

I know that God has done so much in my life. He has brought me through all that. He has blessed me beyond imagination and I praise His Holy Name. Most days I am happy but some days I do feel down. Not liking what I say or do. And maybe it is a mind game of the evil one. If it is, all the more I need to sing to Jesus. I need to talk to Him more. I need to read His Word more. I need to spend more time with others laughing and having fun. Sometimes life gets so serious that we forget to laugh. And you need these things also.

So, let Jesus fill you with His joy and love. He can make it so strong that you have more good days than bad and soon enough all your days are joyful and you see everything as a blessing.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and 
peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow 
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and 
though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you 
greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,
1 Peter 1:8 

Sometimes things don't go the way we think they should. But God is in control. He knows what is best for us and we should always pray "Thy will be done, Lord, not mine!"

I think that when we do these things we will see a great difference in our lives. And only He can fill us with love, joy, and peace and then we make the choice to be happy, or not. And, therefore, show it on the outside. Especially since we are witnesses for Jesus. If we love the Lord our God and are sad all the time, what kind of witness is that?

Let God fill you with all He is and all He has got for you and make the choice to be happy!

Listen to this song: http://youtu.be/lYDgt1R6yTI

Have a marvelous day!




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