Lake Junaluska, NC

Good morning!

How are you this great and awesome day? Very well, I pray! It is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it!

I had trouble getting into this website this morning and last night I couldn't get into my Firefox web browser. It won't open when you click on it. Nothing happens. (So, glad that I also have Safari which is what Apple gives you on their computers. But I choose to use Firefox.) Now when and how did that happen? It worked just a few hours previous. Those things really baffle me. 

Well, I am sure that a lot of things baffle us in our day to day lives. But God, our Creator, is right there to help us and take us through. He loves us and would do anything for us. You see He sent His One and Only Son here to earth, the sinful place that it is, to spread the Word of the gospel and teach His disciples about Him and His ways. Then, Jesus died a most terrible death on the cross so that our sins would be washed away. But Jesus conquered death. HE rose again! Praise be to God!

Jesus came to earth for you and me. Everything about Jesus's mission on Earth is about saving us from our sins. 

 "And she will bring forth a Son, 
and you shall call His name JESUS, 
for He will save His people from their sins." 
Matthew 1:21

Jesus arose so that we would have everlasting life in heaven with Him. (That is very simplified.) Jesus loves us so much that He willingly did this for us, sinful us. He bought us freedom from eternal death on that Old Rugged Cross. How awesome is that? 

I say this again: if you don't know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, it is time. Don't go another day! It is a matter of life and death. I know that I repeat myself but it is that important. I will be praying for you. And if you do know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, then we need to be telling others about Him and what He has done for us. 

Jesus helps us through the most baffling of days. And He never, ever stops loving us no matter how sinful we are. 

The Lord appeared to him (and all of us) from far away. 
I have loved you with an everlasting love; 
therefore, I have continued to 
extend faithful love to you.
Jeremiah 31:3

Now it is only God that you can count on! As soon as we think that we can count on everyone around us, we can be disappointed. But:

He (God) is the Rock, his works are 
perfectand all his ways are just. A 
faithful God who does no wrong, 
upright and just is he.
Deuteronomy 32:4

So, count on God to love you and bring you through the most baffling of days because He does and He will.

Have an awesome day!


P.S. I am sorry for rambling on, if you think that I do, but my mind just goes and goes sometimes and other times it won't think at all. But Jesus helps me every step of the way. Praise God!


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