When I took this picture in the Caribbean Sea in 2009 or 
so, I took about 50 of them. I thought it was so amazing. 
And my husband told me I was crazy to take so many of the same thing.


Didn't get to this this morning. So, here I am. And now I am ready to fall asleep in the chair. And I did fall asleep a couple of times. 

But I want you to know that Jesus loves you. And He was tempted before you and I were even thought of.

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into 
the desert to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 4:1

If Jesus was tempted by the devil, how much more do you think that the devil will tempt us? He tempted Jesus who already was the Son of God from the very beginning. We were born into a sinful life, so the devil is going to try hard to take us away from Jesus, when we know Him as our Savior and Lord, to make us doubt Jesus, to make us sin against God. That is why these verses are so important:

I have hidden your word in my heart 
that I might not sin against you. 
Psalm 119:11

Your word is a lamp to my 
feet and a light for my path.  
Psalm 119:105 

The more of God's Word that is in our heart, the less we are going to sin against God.  And the more the Word is going to guide us as we travel in this life and light the way so that we are going the right direction. We want that "still small voice" to be the voice of God, not the evil one. And we want to follow God's voice so that we stay on His path, stay in His Word, stay in His loving arms. Stay with Him always.

Let's not be tempted to do the wrong things. To watch the wrong things. To say the wrong things. To listen to the wrong things. The devil wants nothing more than to steal us from God, kill our spirits and our body, and destroy all that we are and believe about God. Do not let the evil one tempt you. Get to know God so well that those temptations will not come to fruition.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have 
come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Jesus loves us so much, wants to give us a full life, and He wants us with Him on His side. He wants to take care of us. And praise God for that!

Have a terrific day!



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