Good morning to you!

Hope you are having a blessed day. It is 12:30 AM. I went to bed at about 9 PM and I am up already. I have been sleeping so good but last night I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I know there is probably a lot on my mind with Easter Sunday coming up.  

In the church there is much to do. We will be having a sunrise service at 6:45 AM on Sunday in the cemetery near our church. Then we are doing an Easter Cantata as part of the morning worship service. Several speakers will wear costumes and the rest of us choir robes. It should be wonderful and very meaningful. Needless to say, I have a lot on my mind, I guess.

But all I want is Jesus on my mind. Maybe here on the couch I can go back to sleep with Jesus on my mind and in my heart. So when I get up I am rested and refreshed.  O Lord please help me!  I am so tired and restless. 

And I did and then an hour later my husband got up because he couldn't sleep. So, I got up and went back to bed so he could sleep on the couch. But God helped me go right back to sleep and I slept until 6 and then I had to get up.

Is Jesus on your mind 24/7? Is He all you think about? Well, we are human and we live our lives the best we know how and Jesus is not always on our minds. Do you want Him to be? I do. There is a saying that if you put Jesus first, everything else will fall into place. Not perfect of course. But things will go smoother and the things that don't we will have a better mindset to handle them with Jesus on our minds. I am game. How about you?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, 
and all these things will be given to you as well.
                                                                          Matthew 6:33

Have a special day!



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