Good morning!

On my way out the door this morning so this will be short. I hope that you can go to church this Sunday. Palm Sunday is the beginning of the Passion Week before Easter. It should be very meaningful. 

We go to church to worship God. We don't go to fellowship, although we do. We don't go to complain, although we do. And some of us don't even go to worship God, we go to see what we can get from God or others. 

But going to church and worshipping God should be all about fellowship with God and what we can give Him with other Christians. Worshipping God is not sitting there thinking about what the church isn't doing or what you are not hearing or the music is yucky or the carpet is red instead of green. We shouldn't be sitting there thinking about what we are going to have for lunch or what we have to do at work tomorrow. 

We go to worship God in spirit and in truth and to put our total focus on Him and hear what He is telling us. We go to encourage and love on God's people. A hug to someone who needs it may be all we are there for that day. A kind word. Or whatever we can do for God and ultimately for others.

So, when you go to church on Sunday think about that and turn your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. And worship Him!

Have a blessed day!



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